Our Story


  • 2001

    Money Matters is born

    Lovaii Navlakhi starts Money Matters in Bangalore after 18 years of corporate experience (all in Finance), with the objective of offering financial advice genuinely in the interest of the client, through mutual funds.

  • 2002

    Protecting Risks

    "Protecting risks needs to gain greater priority than the focus on generating returns" is an oft-repeated mantra at our firm. Life insurance products introduced.

  • 2003

    First to charge Fees in India

    An annual fee for financial advice introduced, to focus on relationships rather than transactions -- a decision that was well ahead of its time.

  • 2004

    Financial Planning arrives

    Financial planning becomes a formal way of life after Lovaii is conferred the CFP (Certified Financial Planner) designation at the first convocation in India.

  • 2005

    We’re Here to Stay

    Money Matters transitions to become a private limited company -- starting to deal with global clients gives International Money Matters (IMMPL) birth.

  • 2006

    Learning as a way of Life

    One of IMMPL's goals was to spread financial literacy. Learning begins at home, and getting freshers passionate about personal finance and training them the IMMPL Way is a great start.

  • 2007

    Spreading Its Wings

    As we cross 100 clients, we open a local office in Mumbai. Finally, Lovaii's natural market (where he grew up, studied and worked initially) has representation.

  • 2008

    The Global Financial Crisis

    Doing right for clients was one of the reasons for IMMPL's birth. We stood strong with a well balanced asset allocation for our clients and hand holding them & keeping them in a safe place.

  • 2009

    Strength in Numbers

    Following a tough year, the number of clients grew and so did assets. Crossing and staying above Rs. 100 crores in assets was no mean feat.

  • 2010

    The Big Award

    Winning the Best Performing Regional Financial Advisor awarded by CNBC TV18 & UTI MF adds many feathers to our cap. Feeling top of the world!

  • 2011

    Financial Literacy Thrust

    Saturday workshops for clients in our office; talking to small groups in offices & coffee shops; curated sessions & workshops for employees in organisations -- financial literacy is ingrained in every conversation with our clients.

  • 2012

    Consistency Pays

    Apart from offices in Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi; IMMPL was servicing clients in Chennai & Hyderabad. Across the shores, clients from US, UK, Middle East & Singapore were benefiting from our expertise; and we continue to gain experience from these interactions.

  • 2013

    RIA Regulations are here

    Charging fees for advice, a decade after we started, is incorporated in the Registered Investment Advisor regulations. We apply for the licence upfront, of course -- we love transparency.

  • 2014

    Deeper Client Engagement

    Communication with clients is key. We continue to experiment with meeting clients in small groups, inviting new clients to our offices. We see every opportunity to meet as a step to deepening client engagement.

  • 2015


    IMMPL, entering its 15th year, perseveres in its dream to make a difference to people's lives by helping them meet their financial goals. Success comes to those that wait & big things are waiting to happen.

  • 2016

    Institutionalising IMMPL

    With over 500 families & over 50 team members to take care of, the investment by the TVS Group led by Gopal Srinivasan lends IMMPL stability & solidity. The alignment of values of conservatism & client-centricity make the deal a win-win for clients.

  • 2017

    India’s First CeFT

    Lovaii qualifies as India's first Certified Financial Transitionist, trained in understanding & managing the personal side of money for clients going through a transition. The client engagement gets deeper as more team members enrol in the program.

  • 2018

    Twin Boosts

    IMMPL gets local team members in Chennai, Hyderabad & Pune & crosses Rs. 1000 crores in assets managed for its clients. Continuous investments in technology & strengthening of its product selection process is aimed at making the client offering robust.

  • 2019

    Global & Local Recognition

    After twice finishing first runner-up in the past, Lovaii wins the Global Financial Planner award (Asia).  In India, IMMPL financial planners finish in the top 3 for the second year running.


Money Matters is born

Lovaii Navlakhi starts Money Matters in Bangalore after 18 years of corporate experience (all in Finance), with the objective of offering financial advice genuinely in the interest of the client, through mutual funds.


Protecting Risks

"Protecting risks needs to gain greater priority than the focus on generating returns" is an oft-repeated mantra at our firm. Life insurance products introduced.


First to charge Fees in India

An annual fee for financial advice introduced, to focus on relationships rather than transactions -- a decision that was well ahead of its time.


Financial Planning arrives

Financial planning becomes a formal way of life after Lovaii is conferred the CFP (Certified Financial Planner) designation at the first convocation in India.


We’re Here to Stay

Money Matters transitions to become a private limited company -- starting to deal with global clients gives International Money Matters (IMMPL) birth.


Learning as a way of Life

One of IMMPL's goals was to spread financial literacy. Learning begins at home, and getting freshers passionate about personal finance and training them the IMMPL Way is a great start.


Spreading Its Wings

As we cross 100 clients, we open a local office in Mumbai. Finally, Lovaii's natural market (where he grew up, studied and worked initially) has representation.


The Global Financial Crisis

Doing right for clients was one of the reasons for IMMPL's birth. We stood strong with a well balanced asset allocation for our clients and hand holding them & keeping them in a safe place.


Strength in Numbers

Following a tough year, the number of clients grew and so did assets. Crossing and staying above Rs. 100 crores in assets was no mean feat.


The Big Award

Winning the Best Performing Regional Financial Advisor awarded by CNBC TV18 & UTI MF adds many feathers to our cap. Feeling top of the world!


Financial Literacy Thrust

Saturday workshops for clients in our office; talking to small groups in offices & coffee shops; curated sessions & workshops for employees in organisations -- financial literacy is ingrained in every conversation with our clients.


Consistency Pays

Apart from offices in Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi; IMMPL was servicing clients in Chennai & Hyderabad. Across the shores, clients from US, UK, Middle East & Singapore were benefiting from our expertise; and we continue to gain experience from these interactions.


RIA Regulations are here

Charging fees for advice, a decade after we started, is incorporated in the Registered Investment Advisor regulations. We apply for the licence upfront, of course -- we love transparency.


Deeper Client Engagement

Communication with clients is key. We continue to experiment with meeting clients in small groups, inviting new clients to our offices. We see every opportunity to meet as a step to deepening client engagement.



IMMPL, entering its 15th year, perseveres in its dream to make a difference to people's lives by helping them meet their financial goals. Success comes to those that wait & big things are waiting to happen.


Institutionalising IMMPL

With over 500 families & over 50 team members to take care of, the investment by the TVS Group led by Gopal Srinivasan lends IMMPL stability & solidity. The alignment of values of conservatism & client-centricity make the deal a win-win for clients.


India’s First CeFT

Lovaii qualifies as India's first Certified Financial Transitionist, trained in understanding & managing the personal side of money for clients going through a transition. The client engagement gets deeper as more team members enrol in the program.


Twin Boosts

IMMPL gets local team members in Chennai, Hyderabad & Pune & crosses Rs. 1000 crores in assets managed for its clients. Continuous investments in technology & strengthening of its product selection process is aimed at making the client offering robust.


Global & Local Recognition

After twice finishing first runner-up in the past, Lovaii wins the Global Financial Planner award (Asia).  In India, IMMPL financial planners finish in the top 3 for the second year running.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to enable our clients to achieve their financial goals. In doing so, we will be ethical, sincere and governed by our client’s interests, ahead of ours. Our approach will be based on reasonable and, if necessary, conservative assumptions. We will treat our clients with honesty, wisdom and care.

We will constantly upgrade our knowledge and expertise on markets worldwide. We will ensure that operations are run efficiently at all times and to that end, continually invest in technology.

We recognize that our people are important. We will create an environment where people enjoy their work. Our people shall have integrity, financial knowledge, enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. They shall take ownership for their actions. We will encourage intrapreneurship.

We will always follow the laws of the land in the markets where we function.

Our business must make profits. The profits shall be used to reward our shareholders and other stakeholders and also ensure continuity and growth of the business.

Signature Image

Lovaii Navlakhi
Manager Director and CEO,
International Money Matters Pvt. Ltd.


We Are In The Business Of Transforming Lives

Since our inception in 2001, we have touched countless lives in ways you’d never expect from a financial services firm. Our secret lies in our three core values – Honesty, Competence, and Relationships.

We are not here to help you make a quick buck, we’re here to enable you to become financially secure enough to be able to do the things you love and the things that really matter.

Every relationship is built on trust. As transparent as we are with our clients, we expect the same from their end, so that we can dive deep into the situation and find the hidden treasures that make life worth living.


Years since inception



2000 Cr+

Assests Under Management



500 Cr+

Risk Covered



From The Archives

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